We want to create the perfect conditions for optimal price setting for our institutional investors and recommend subscribing in close consultation with ODIN’s institutional advisers. To be an ODIN customer requires documentation according to the risk-based customer due diligence that is in effect at any given time.
Trading in ODIN funds
When trading for the first time, options include:
- Transfer the amount invested directly to the fund account, and send in the documentation required to become an ODIN customer along with the subscription form.
The fund account number is further down the page
- ODIN can deduct the amount invested directly from the account. Specify the account number on the subscription form and send in the documentation required to become an ODIN customer.
The documentation required to become a customer in addition to a signed subscription form:
- Certified copy of certificate of registration (or the equivalent from other government registries), no more than three months old.
- Certified copy of valid identification papers for anyone who has signatory authority or power of attorney, showing that that person is authorised to act on behalf of the legal entity unless this is stated on the certificate of registration
- Details of any actual rights holders
Setting a price for purchase, sale and transfer
Subscription in funds with a Nordic or European mandate
Subscription in funds with a Nordic or European mandate is priced the same day as the subscription amount is value dated in the fund’s bank account, provided that all the required documentation and the subscription form are available.
Subscription in funds a with global mandate
Subscription in funds with a global mandate is priced the day after the subscription amount is value dated in the fund’s bank account, provided that all the required documentation and the subscription form are available.
Payment instructions >>
ODIN’s institutional fund
Minimum subscription 10 million
Subscription fee 0.0 %
Management fee 0.75 %
Redemption fee 0.0 %
Performance fee 0.0 %