Election Meeting Odin’s Mutual Funds

The annual election meeting is approaching, and in this regard, we welcome unit holders in Odin's Mutual Fund. 

9. March 2025

Time: Wednesday March 26, 2025 – 13:00
Place: Odin Forvaltning, Haakon VIIs gate 10, Oslo, Norway

An election meeting for the securities funds will be held:

ODIN Aksje, ODIN Bærekraft, ODIN Eiendom, ODIN Emerging Markets, ODIN Global, ODIN Norden, ODIN Norge, ODIN Sverige, ODIN USA, ODIN Small Cap, ODIN Micro Cap, ODIN Europeisk Obligasjon, ODIN Kreditt, ODIN Likviditet, ODIN Nordisk Kreditt, ODIN Norsk Obligasjon, ODIN Rente, ODIN Sustainable Corporate Bond, SpareBank 1 Indeks Global, SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 100, SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 80, SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 50, SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 20, SpareBank 1 Norge Verdi, SpareBank 1 Utbytte, SpareBank 1 Verden Verdi, SR-Bank 80, SR-Bank 50 og SR-Bank 20.

To be addressed:

1) Approval of the notice
2) Election of two unit holders to sign the minutes
3) Election of unit holder representatives to the board of Odin Forvaltning AS
4) Any other business 

Unit holders who have questions they wish to be discussed at the election meeting must submit these in writing to the board of Odin Forvaltning AS no later than one week before the election meeting. 

Unit holders in Odin can vote in advance from March 6 to March 26 at 09:00 by sending a ballot via mail to Odin Forvaltning AS, Postboks 1771 Vika, 0122 Oslo or by email to legal@odinfond.no. Ballots can also be obtained by contacting Customer Service at phone +47 24 00 48 04.

At the election meeting, voting rights are adjusted so that unit holders who own equal value receive an equal number of votes. Except for the elections, the election meeting cannot make decisions that bind the funds or the management company.

Best regards, 
The Board of Odin Forvaltning AS

Election of unit holder representatives to the board of Odin Forvaltning AS:
The nomination committee for the unit holder-elected board members of Odin Forvaltning AS submits the following recommendation for the election of board members and deputy member for 2025:

Christian S. Jansen – re-elected as board member for one year
Marianne Heien Blystad – re-elected as board member for one year
Andreas Holmen – re-elected as deputy member for one year

Registration for the election meeting no later than Tuesday, March 25, 2025:

Email: kundeservice@odinfond.no, phone: 24 00 48 04, fax: 24 00 48 01, or by mail: Odin Forvaltning AS, P.O Box 1771 Vika, 0122 Oslo, Norway Att.: Kundeservice