Approved merger between ODIN Global and ODIN Europe
In connection with ODIN Forvaltning AS having received approval from the Financial Supervisory Authority and the company’s board to carry out a merger between ODIN Global and ODIN Europa, a unitholder meeting was held for the unitholders of the two funds on Monday, February 12.
The meeting was held at ODIN Forvaltning in Haakon VII’s gate 10, Oslo. The merger is adopted if a majority of at least 75 percent of the votes cast in the individual funds is achieved.
Results from the votes:
Merger between ODIN Global and ODIN Europa
The unitholder meeting approved the merger between ODIN Global and ODIN Europa on February 12, 2024. Votes cast by the unitholders in both funds showed the necessary majority for the merger.
The votes were distributed as follows:
ODIN Global
Share of votes FOR merger: 100 percent
Share of votes AGAINST merger: 0 percent
ODIN Europa
Share of votes FOR merger: 99.99 percent
Share of votes AGAINST merger: 0.01 percent
The merger date is set to March 18, 2024.