Notice of election meeting 2023

We kindly ask those who wish to attend the annual election meeting the 10th of April 2024 to submit this in writing.

21. March 2024

ODIN Norden, ODIN Norge, ODIN Sverige, ODIN Europa, ODIN Global, ODIN Emerging Markets, ODIN USA, ODIN Eiendom, ODIN Bærekraft, ODIN Small Cap, ODIN Aksje, ODIN Rente, ODIN Kreditt, ODIN Nordisk Kreditt, ODIN Likviditet, ODIN Norsk Obligasjon, ODIN Europeisk Obligasjon, ODIN Sustainable Corporate Bond, SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 100, SpareBank 1 Indeks Global, SpareBank 1 Norge Verdi, SpareBank 1 Utbytte, SpareBank 1 Verden Verdi, SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 80, SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 50 og SpareBank 1 Alt-i-ett 20, SR-Bank 80, SR-Bank 50 and SR-Bank 20.

Time: 2pm on Wednesday the 10th of April 2024
Place: ODIN Forvaltning, Haakon VIIs gate 10, 0161 Oslo

The following items are on the agenda:
1) Approval of the notice of the meeting
2) The election of two unit-holders to sign the minutes of the meeting
3) The election of unit-holders to the board of ODIN Forvaltning AS
4) The election of unit-holders to the nomination committee for unitholder representatives to the board of ODIN Forvaltning AS
5) Any other business

Unit holders who have questions they want discussed at the election meeting, must notify the Board
of ODIN Forvaltning AS in writing no less than a week before the election meeting is held.

At the election meeting, the voting rights will be adjusted so that unit holders who own equal values receive equal numbers of votes.

With the exception of the item on the agenda, the election meeting cannot pass binding decisions for the funds or the management company.

Oslo, 19 March 2024

The Board of ODIN Forvaltning AS

We kindly ask those who wish to attend the annual election meeting the 10th of April 2024 to submit this in writing to:


ODIN Forvaltning AS
PO Box 1771 Vika
NO-0122 Oslo

Attn: Customer Service
Fax: +47 24 00 48 01

Please rsvp no later than by 9 April 2024.