Sustainable asset management
Exclusions and observations

Exclusions and observations

How do we make exclusion decisions?

Our analysis excludes many companies based on their risk profiles, future prospects, and ESG criteria. This allows us to invest in high-quality companies while reducing exposure to potential controversies. Additionally, we exclude certain sectors and companies on ethical grounds due to the nature of their products or business practices.

Our analysis excludes many companies based on their risk profiles, future prospects, and ESG criteria. This allows us to invest in high-quality companies while reducing exposure to potential controversies. Additionally, we exclude certain sectors and companies on ethical grounds due to the nature of their products or business practices.
Odin’s funds expect the companies we invest in to act responsibly. Our exclusion criteria set clear boundaries for our investment universe, providing our clients with transparency on what is not included in Odin’s funds. However, we recognize that unexpected events can occur, requiring ongoing monitoring and action when necessary.

Odin’s Exclusion Criteria

Odin’s funds do not invest in companies where there is an unacceptable risk that the company is involved in or responsible for:

  • Gross or systematic human rights or workers’ rights violations.
  • Serious violations of individual rights in war or conflict.
  • Selling weapons to states engaged in armed conflicts that violate international law.
  • Activities covered by the sovereign bond exemption scheme in the Government Pension Fund Global mandate.
  • Severe environmental harm.
  • Actions or omissions leading to unacceptable greenhouse gas emissions
  • Gross corruption, economic crime, or serious ethical breaches

Additionally, Odin’s funds exclude companies that derive:

  • 0% of revenue from controversial weapons, tobacco, or cannabis
  • 5% or more of revenue from pornography, gambling, oil sands, thermal coal extraction, or heavy reliance on thermal coal.

Some of our funds apply further exclusion criteria.

We also expect the companies we invest in to follow the UN Global Compact Principles, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, among other relevant international standards.

If a company in our portfolio violates these criteria, we place it on an observation list and initiate targeted engagement to assess whether the issue can be resolved. If there is no meaningful improvement over time, we will divest.

Read more about our exclusion criteria in Odin’s Responsible Investment Guidelines and the prospectus of each Odin fund.