
We use something called "cookies" on our website. This information is gathered in order for us to be able to improve the user experience for you.

Odin does not use cookies to gather personal information. We only use cookies to make your user experience better. We have no ability to gather information about a specific person via cookies.

Why do we use cookies?

From July 1st, 2013, the “Ekomloven” got a new verdict regarding storing information in communication devices, cf. Ekomloven § 2-7b. This law focuses on storing information from the users communication devices must be approved by the user.

What is cookies?

Cookies is information gathered from your browser and stored there after a website has registered your choices and settings.

Cookies are used for:

  • Make it easier for you to use stored information. One example can be that you dont have to fill out a form multiple times.
  • Recognise visit from returning users.
  • Register general information about type of browser, time, language and which website the user came from.

Odin does not deliver information about you to a third party. Odin does not use cookies to gather user patterns or other type of information that can violate your privacy.

Is it voluntarily disclosing the information?

It is entirely voluntary to give out cookies and you can turn this off. We wish however to emphasize that our website will lose some of its functionality if cookies are disabled. To provide the best user experience we recommend that the cookie setting on this page is set to “allow all cookies” (allow all cookies).

Processing of personal data

Odin Forvaltning processes personal data in accordance with the provisions of the “person-opplysningsloven” and “verdipapirfondloven”, and are bound to secrecy about what they during their business becomes aware of others’ conditions; unless otherwise specifically provided by statute or regulation or shareholder has consented to disclosure of confidential information. Unitholders have the right to inspect the company’s procedures for processing of personal data and information on which information is recorded. Shareholders may request that incorrect or unnecessary information be corrected or deleted. Personal information is regularly updated to the National Register.