Our funds
Subscription, transfer, redemption

Subscription, transfer, redemption

Subscription of Odin funds

To buy units in one or more of our funds you must have an account. If you do not have an account, Odin will open one for you automatically and free of charge upon the first subscription.

Odin funds’ prices are set in NOK, however we also calculate the prices in SEK and EUR. Choose your preferred currency for subscribtion to avoide extra costs associated with exchange rate transactions. Each fund has its own bank account (Payment-instructions) with our custodian Handelsbanken.

You are responsible for making sure that the payment is made in the correct currency to the correct account. Clients transferring money from foreign banks to our funds will receive the relevant unit price on the day payment is credited to the fund’s bank account. The transaction may take a couple of days to be processed due to the delay in transferring money between banks from abroad.

Download a subscription form and send us the completed form and attached information by fax or post along with payment.

If you have a NOK bank account in a Norwegian Bank and make a subscription in NOK, Odin can debit your bank account when this is preferred, so long as there are no restraints on the account.

Odin Online

Only access for customers with electronic identification from Norway, Sweden or Finland.

Cut-off time for our funds

FundDeadline same day
ODIN Eiendom at 12.00
ODIN Global at 12.00
ODIN Norden at 12.00
ODIN Norge at 12.00
ODIN Small Cap at 12.00
ODIN Sustainable Equities at 12.00
ODIN Sustainable Corporate Bond at 12.00
ODIN Sverigeat 12.00
ODIN USA at 12.00

Cut-off time for emerging markets fund

FundDeadline next day
ODIN Emerging Markets A EURat 12.00

Transfer of Odin funds

You will receive the relevant unit price the day Odin Fund Management receives the order for transferring funds. The order must be received before 15.00 CET, and include all necessary information. To send your order, use our transfer form (Transfer Odin funds).

Remember that redemption in connection with a transfer is regarded as a sale for tax purposes.

Odin Online

Only access for customers with electronic identification from Norway, Sweden or Finland.

Deadlines/cut-off for transfer

Our funds

In order to transfer fund units a written request (including all necessary information) is required. The cut off time is 12.00 (GMT+1) for all funds excepte ODIN Emerging Markets . For transfer orders placed before 12.00 (GMT+1) you will receive unit value calculation the same day.

FundDeadline same day
ODIN Eiendom at 12.00
ODIN Emerging Marketsat 12.00 - next day
ODIN Globalat 12.00
ODIN Nordenat 12.00
ODIN Norgeat 12.00
ODIN Small Capat 12.00
ODIN Sustainable Equitiesat 12.00
ODIN Sustainable Corporate Bondat 12.00
ODIN Sverigeat 12.00
ODIN USAat 12.00

Investment in Odin Funds

Please observe that there are certain restrictions imposed by law on the distribution of this information and the countries in which the Odin Funds are authorised for sale.

In connection with an investment in Odin Funds, it is your responsibility as an investor to be aware of, acknowledge and observe all applicable laws and regulations (including possible tax consequences) in your jurisdiction.

Applications to invest in any Odin Fund referred to on this website, shall only be made on the basis of the offer documents relating to the specific investment (e.g. Prospectuses and Articles of Association).