Fund management
How we work

This is how we identify strong and financially sound companies

Our funds are managed actively and with a long-term perspective. Thorough company analyses are central to the process, and only the companies we consider to be the best investments are included in our funds. This ensures that the quality of the portfolios is consistently kept at a high level. There are three key elements in Odin's investment methodology: expertise, concentration, and consistency.

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Expertise in collaboration

Good investment decisions rely on strong judgment skills. Effective judgment is only possible with relevant expertise. For this reason, we are committed to working in a way that continuously develops our expertise. Our experience is that expertise is best developed through strong collaboration. For this reason, we place great importance on our portfolio managers and analysts challenging each other in close and constructive cooperation towards common goals. A new investment candidate will always be presented and discussed within the portfolio management team, and the investment decision will then be made.

Such a review has two effects:

  • The first is that the portfolio manager is challenged and must test their arguments for why this is a good investment.
  • The second is that the other managers gain insight into a new investment opportunity.

Concentrated portfolios

The portfolios in Odin's funds contain a limited number of individual investments. By limiting the number of investments in a fund, the portfolio managers are able to have in-depth knowledge of each individual investment. At the same time, each individual investment will have a noticeable effect on the portfolio's overall return. A cap on the number of companies disciplines the managers by making it impossible to continuously add new investments without selling others. This means that the managers will carefully assess both return and risk conditions when making new investments. Therefore, we believe that concentrated portfolios lead to maintaining a high level of quality for each individual investment in our funds.

Consistent approach

To identify the best investment opportunities, we analyze all potential investments in the same way. Our analysis consists of three elements: performance, position, and price.


We always assess how effectively a company has been at creating value over time.


We always evaluate whether the factors crucial for a company's future competitiveness will still be in place.


We always make an independent assessment of the intrinsic value and compare this with the market pric

Odin invests in companies that we believe are positioned for long-term value creation. Therefore, we are long-term investors with an investment horizon of several years. As long-term investors, we dedicate time and resources to being a responsible owner. Our engagement as owners aims to contribute to the companies' long-term value creation. This requires that the companies operate in a way that is sustainable in the long term, and that the management has the ability and willingness to prioritize long-term value creation.